“If I Don’t” is the fourth and final installment of this first era of Chad Rising. The four tracks I’ve released so far are now collected as the EP here of the same name.
This song is the vulnerable truth about my life’s purpose and mission. They say that as long as you try and have done your best, then you have succeeded. That is not the case for me in this pursuit. My desire to “be in the music business” is only a vehicle to get where I’m meant to be; to build the platform to disseminate the message and build a community of thought. The thing is, the further along and more empowered I get, the less I know where that end goal is, which is turning out to be a bit daunting but mostly liberating. I don’t know where I’ll end up but I know I’m headed there.
I’m here on Earth to do exactly as it says in the song; to do my part in breaking the hold on society by the ego of the rich and powerful; to gather up a crowd and unapologetically break traditions with prolific word and song.
If I don’t… But I know I will.
Track Listing
- If I Don’t
- Unburying
- How Do You Wanna Feel
- Modern Turbulence