My Music

Official Streaming Channels

Latest Releases

White Shirt

chad rising - white shirt (track art)


Official Singles & Albums

Pivotal Days (2024)

pivotal days - chad rising (album art)

Dark Nights (2023)

35 (2022)

35 - chad rising - single track art

The Gap (2022)

the gap - chad rising - album art

Relief (2018)

relief - chad rising - album art

Boomerang (2018)

boomerang - chad rising - single track art

Feeling High (2017)

feeling high - chad rising - album art

Sprout (2016)

sprout - chad rising - album art

Daylight Animal (2015)

daylight animal - chad rising - album art

All The Right Places (2014)

HoneyChrome (2013)

honeychrome - chad rising - album art

Life as a Student (2013)

life as a student - album art - chad rising

Williamsburgadelphia (2012)

williamsburgadelphia - chad rising - album art

The Human Link (2011)

the human link - chad rising - album art

Demoesque (2010)

Artifacts, Sketches & Experiments

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