Diddy’s Arrest and The Bigger Picture Behind It

Diddy being taken into custody is a grand opportunity to expand our collective perspective.
(I’ve left Diddy’s photo out of my image because I don’t want to give his energy any more airtime than it already gets, especially next to my own energy.)
Powerful people being exposed is a signal of awakening. The MeToo movement, despite its flaws and collateral damage, is lifting the veil of our culture of systemic abuse. From the heights of fame to neighbors down the block and narcissistic parents, abuse is being exposed more than ever. Unfortunately, that abuse is worse than ever, and that’s also unfortunately how it’s going to go as the darkness is pushed back and balance is restored over the next decades.
Consider how many additional power trippers and abusers there are for every one that gets exposed. I guarantee you there are hundreds of people like Diddy (people of fame and/or fortune) around the globe. There are probably hundreds just in the USA. Despite this feeling like and being a major win, the biggest trick being played is the one hiding in plain sight – the one being played on humanity as a whole.
The First Step Is Admitting
Everyone wants to cheer for the downfall of Diddy, Weinstein and Epstein, but nobody wants to look at themselves and see that they’re in a similar position with their own leaders. It may not be sexual or violent, but it’s emotional, economic and energetic.
This modest but real progress is truly well and good for society because it makes it less taboo for people in abusive relationships or that have been abused to speak out. The thing is, the masses don’t want to accept that we’re also in an abusive relationship. We are in an abusive, narcissistic relationship with our leaders. We say “I don’t like you treating me this way,” and they say “What? We treat you great! Go to some third world country. Then you’ll see abuse.”
While the abuse and oppression in other parts of the world is more evident because it’s highly physical, abuse is occurring everyday in the USA and other first world countries. The difference is our leaders know they can’t resort to violence. (Wait, isn’t that what Diddy, Epstein and Weinstein resorted to? Sexual and physical violence? Terror?)
Political leaders, spiritual leaders, celebrities and even local community leaders; many of these relationships are narcissistic. We get the short end of the stick, but put up with it for the teeny bit of good we can squeeze out of it while they squeeze exponentially more out of us. But if these relationships are so bad, why don’t we end them? Because we don’t know life without them and are more afraid of the unknown than reaching for safety. (“The devil I know.”) That is why it’s common for domestic abuse victims to remain in bad situations even if they know it’s bad.
Private sector cases of abuse are just the tip of the iceberg. If we really want to bring down (or at the very least, change) the governmental and technocratic powers-that-be, we have to remove ourselves from their hold. We give them their power. We’re trained and raised to hand over our power from a young age – in the name of freedom, free market and liberty – but that’s a smokescreen and they know it.
I know it’s much easier said than done, but if we collectively say “no, I’m not gonna do that anymore,” they will have no power. We are able to take our power back in a flash – it’s just a shift in mindset. The problem is, no one wants to look at it this way because no one wants to admit they’re a victim, at least to the point of doing anything about it, because that would mean upending their total reality.
Take Back Your Power
When I try to explain that most of the world’s population is being manipulated, being used, and being held down, they don’t wanna believe it. This life and reality we’ve created is just comfortable enough to not want to dig for or accept the depth of abuse of power going on. Well, I dig. Myself and thousands, maybe millions of others, have peered into the collective consciousness and we see the discomfort, disapproval and overwhelming desire for change – and we’re doing something about it.
This idea of taking power from the power mongers and returning it to the individual (empowerment) is at the core of my songwriting. My music is meant to rattle the cage of the masses; of the individual. Only a minority of my music is aimed at the power mongers themselves because enough art/music does that already. Most everyone knows to some extent how the system works and its failings. My message is meant to shake the everyday person out of their complacency and give them an opportunity to flip the switch in their brain to think “OMG, I am being controlled” or “I am worth more than my current situation,” both of which hopefully drive the individual to make change in their own life. That is how society changes: one by one, at least to get the momentum rolling.
My Music is Meant To Aid In This Awakening
That’s the whole point of my music: to slip consciousness-raising, perspective-lifting and paradigm-shifting concepts and ideas into mainstream, easily consumable music. Music that the average person can listen to and not even know that they’re listening to something that’s meant to raise their frequency.
I think that’s the best use of art these days (or ever.) To me, and in much of recorded history, that’s what art was for: to convey complex or collectively uninteresting yet important messages in a fun way vs. reading a textbook or self help book. The paradox of today’s world is that the power mongers have also figured this out, and mainstream art is being used to slip in negative subliminal messages; messages to keep humanity controlled and obedient. Even if it feels like it’s liberation, it’s not. That’s why it’s so hard to unabashedly stand for something good as an artist these days.
Diddy’s downfall is a huge win, but we need to look deeper and understand that this is just the start. There is much work to be done, much to be uncovered and rediscovered. I aim to help with that through my music. While the powers-that-be use art to wage complacency and spiritual slavery, I use it to wage empowerment and peace. Check out my music to see what I mean.
– Chad